2024 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Marmaris, Turkey | April 22-24, 2024
ICEEE 2024 proceedings is online in IEEE Xplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10779205/proceeding
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We Would Like To Invite You To Participate In 2024 11th International Conference On Electrical And Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2024) was Held In Marmaris, Turkey During April 22-24, 2024.
Host: Prof. Cengiz TAPLAMACIOGLU, Gazi University, Turkey and the Opening Remarks given by Prof. Mahir DURSUN, Gazi University, Turkey
There were 4 keynote speakers. They were Kemal Leblebicioğlu, Middle East Technical University, Turkey (Speech Title: Control Structure Design with Constraints for a Slung Load Quadrotor System); Saman Halgamuge, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, AAIA Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia (Speech Title: Emerging Role of AI in Sustainable Energy: From Forecasting the Solar Generation of Rooftop Solar Panels to Energy Management in Electric Vehicles); Ahmet Yazıcı, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Turkey (Speech Title: Optimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy- OPEVA); and Arumugam Nallanathan, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Queen Mary university of London, UK (Speech Title: Federated Learning in Wireless Communications)
Invited Speakers were:
Prof. Hakan Hocaoğlu, Istanbul Trade University, Turkey; Prof. Kamran Iqbal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA; Prof. Ismail Hakkı Altas, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey; Prof. Ala Khalifeh, German Jordanian University, Jordan; Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Akmal Chaudhary, Ajman University, UAE; Assoc. Prof. Tufan Kumbasar, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
The parallel sessions were:
Session 1: AI based Information Systems and Management
Session 2: Digital Circuits and Systems
Session 3: Control Models and Functional Analysis in Smart Grids and Power Systems
Session 4: Electronic and Communication Engineering
Session 5: Design and Control of New Electrical Equipment
Session A: Communication and Signal Processing
Session B: Modern Electromechanical Systems and Control Technology
Session C: Digital Images and Electronic Systems
Session D: Control Models, Performance Simulation, and Data Analysis in Power Systems and Smart Grids
Excellent Oral Presentation Winners. Congratulations!
A Virtual Machine Management Platform in Computer Science Education
Bianca Alexandra Grama and Ciprian Oprisa
Presenter: Bianca Alexandra Grama, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and Bitdefender, Romania
Design of a 3-dB Directional Coupler in S-Band Using Symmetric Coupled-Lines
Presenter: Cem ÇİNDAŞ, Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye
Design of the Digital Control Block of an Analog Beamformer Suitable for Ultrasound Applications
Emre Altuner, Mustafa Berke Yelten
Presenter: Emre Altuner, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
A Survey on UAV-Assisted Wireless Communications: Challenges, Technologies, and Application
Sara Abdulaali Owaid, Abbas H. Miray and Tariq M. Salman
Presenter: Sara Abdulaali Owaid, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
Design and Prototype Production of An Axial Displacement Measurement System by Using LVDT for Propeller Shaft Development Process
Oğuzhan Aldemir, Sedat Tarakçı, Efe Işık
Presenter: Oğuzhan Aldemir, Tirsan Kardan, Türkiye
Artificial Neural Network and its Benefit in Modeling and Efficient Yield Analysis of Antennas
Lida Kouhalvandi, Ladislau Matekovits, Serdar Ozoguz
Presenter: Lida Kouhalvandi, Dogus University, Turkey
A Path Tracking and Collision Prevention Control System for an Electric Vehicle with Trajectories Generated by Bezier Curves
Berke Salim Oldaç, Elvan Emre Özdemir, Furkan Kosova
Presenter: Furkan Kosova, AVL Türkiye Research & Engineering, Türkiye
A Study on Tennis Ball Ground Impact Point Detection
Onur Sarıalioğlu, İbrahim Cem Balcı, İrem Sayın, Buse Çiçek, Nika Kakulia, Serkan Saltürk, Hüseyin Üvet
Presenter: İrem Sayın, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Optimizing Fuzzy Logic Controller based Energy Management Systems for FCEVs via Genetic Algorithm and Big Bang-Big Crunch
Saleh Msaddi, Sabri Yılmaz
Presenter: Saleh Msaddi, AVL Turkiye Research and Engineering, Turkey